Karl Marx: His Life and Work (1928) Otto Rühle Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Reproduced here for reference Copied to clipboard Attachments Karl-Marx-His-Life-And-Work-Otto-Ruhle.docx (660.75 KB) Karl Marx Otto Rühle biographies Comments
Karl Marx: the story of his life - Franz Mehring Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. 'Karl Marx: The Story of His Life' (German: 'Karl Marx. Geschichte seines Lebens'), first…
Karl Marx: A Biography (1977) P. N. Fedoseyev Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Reproduced for reference.
Karl Marx: The Man and his Work (1918) Karl Dannenburg Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Karl Dannenburg was a member of the Socialist Labor…
Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography (2010) Rolf Hosfield Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Reproduced here for reference.
Love and capital - Mary Gabriel Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. Love and Capital: Karl and Jenny Marx and the Birth of a Revolution
Biographies of Karl Marx - reading guide Book length or pamphlet length (10,000 words+) or otherwise notable English-language biographies of the life of Karl Marx in chronological order